Edward Said On Orientalism Assaultivebear
4 partes
PARTE 1 (10' 35")
PARTE 2 (09' 54")
PARTE 3 (10' 45")
PARTE 4 (07' 47")



Palestine, Israel and Self-Edward Said Life and Philosophy
6 partes
PARTE 1 (07' 47")
PARTE 2 (08' 28")
PARTE 3 (09' 36")
PARTE 4 (09' 51")
PARTE 5 (07' 36")
PARTE 6 (05' 38")  


  Edward Said en la UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley Educational Technology Services
01h 38' 37" 
Edward Said Lecture The Myth of 'The Clash of Civilzations'
Media Education Foundation (52' 03")